An announcement has been made today by the Government of Canada discussing the launch of a new legislative review of the current Cannabis Act in Canada. Since the Cannabis Act was introduced by Canadian Parliament in 2017, there have been many challenges faced by consumers and businesses alike. One of the common complaints from the public and industry has been the 10mg limit on THC content in cannabis edibles and beverages. It is sad to still see the stigmatization of cannabis in Canadian cannabis regulations when compared to the regulation of alcohol consumption. For example, adult Canadians can purchase alcohol legally from stores with no limit on how much they can purchase, with no need to show ID (unless suspected as underage), with no restrictions on packaging design and can even purchase their alcohol with their kids present. None of these privileges are available to the cannabis consumer, despite cannabis being far less dangerous than alcohol and even used as a medicine by many. As you can see from just these points, the Cannabis Act could do with a few revisions. Let's hope this Cannabis Act review brings some positive changes. For more information visit